Related Links by | posted in: About | 0 Here are links to other local theater resources: Founded in 1992, the Cincinnati Arts Association (CAA) is a not-for-profit organization that oversees the programming and management of two of the Tri-state’s finest performing arts venues – the Aronoff Center for the Arts and Music Hall – and is dedicated to supporting performing and visual arts.The Ohio Theatre Alliance is a non-profit organization established in 1973. Our purpose is to bring together professional theatres in our regional with actors and technicians. We are committed to building the future of theatre in our region.The Native American Women Playwrights Archive is a collection of original materials by Native women playwrights of the Americas.Welcome to the Miami University Department of Theatre. We’re a small community of students, faculty, and staff committed to exploring theatre as a medium for personal growth and social change. The Mission of the Oxford Community Arts Center is to ENRICH lives and build community by providing, celebrating and promoting a diverse array of cultural and arts programming…