MouseTrap Program

The Mousetrap

posted in: 1980-1981 Season, Past Shows | 0

1980-1981 Season

A snowstorm traps a group of strangers with an unknown killer in the world’s longest running play!

Mollie: Randi Cauper
Giles: Jim Jones
Christopher: Tom Ghinder
Mrs. Boyle: Dixie Utter
Major Metcalf: Randy DeVriendt
Miss Casewell: Becky Heckert
Mr. Paravincini: Ed DuPont
Det. Trotter: Warren Waldron



by William Goldman, from the novel by Stephen King Performances at Oxford Community Arts Center, 10 South College Ave., Oxford, OH 45056 Buy Tickets for Misery READ MORE

Out Cry! by Tennessee Williams


Out Cry is set in an empty, run down theatre in an unspecified location.  Siblings Felice and Clare discover that the acting company that they have been directing and touring with has abandoned them... READ MORE

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We count on the generosity of our community as we continue to provide a wonderful training ground for actors, directors, and those most valuable behind-the-scene crews. It takes a lot to put on... READ MORE



Have you ever wanted to be a part of a community theater? Even if you don’t feel comfortable in front of the stage, there are many aspects of production that you can be... READ MORE